ACI Fertilizer held Field Day on "Chuk Chuk Thun Thun" In Vulli, a prominent chili-growing area in Thakurgaon district, ACI Fertilizer organized a Field Day focusing on Korean Bio Microbial Fertilizer rcently. Over 100 dedicated farmers, including Mr. Abdul Kader, who cultivates chilies on his 25-decimal land, participated in the event.

The spotlight was on ACI Fertilizer's innovative Korean Bio "Chuk Chuk Thun Thun," sourced from South Korea. This bio fertilizer contains Lactobacillus paracesei, a beneficial organism essential for plant growth from the seedling stage. It helps to grow and fight against other harmful microbes. Besides. it increases the effectiveness of chemical fertilizers and improves soil and plant health.

At the event, Mr. Abdul Kader shared his remarkable journey with the Korean Bio Fertilizer, detailing his application process from the seedling stage. When the seedlings were just 10 days old, he started spraying it every 7 days as recommended, without mixing any chemical substances, witnessing impressive growth and root development in his chili plants. His demonstration of the clear difference between treated and untreated plots captivated fellow farmers.

The ACI Fertilizer Executive team led the event, elucidating the benefits of the Bio Fertilizer over traditional methods. They emphasized its role in enhancing nutrient absorption, disease resistance, and pest resilience. Other farmers, witnessing the results firsthand, expressed eagerness to adopt the product after seeing the trial fields.

ACI Fertilizer is committed to introducing cutting-edge technologies to enhance plant and soil health, ultimately leading to increased crop yields.