scientists of Entomology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) recently recorded attack of a new whitefly species, Aleurocanthus arecae in coconut crop from Ishurdi upazila under Pabna district of Bangladesh. The common name of the species is Arecanut Whitefly and it is a new record in Bangladesh. This whitefly species is still a minor pest in that area. Entomologists of BARI advised the farmers not to spray toxic chemical insecticides to control this pest as this practice would kill the beneficial insects those naturally control this pest.
Recently, BARI Entomologists also newly recorded two parasitoids (beneficial insects) Encarsia guadeloupae and Encarsia dispersa from coconut crop. This beneficial insects destroy the nymphs of different whitefly species particularly the Rugose Spiraling Whitefly, which is at present a serious pest of coconut crop in Bangladesh. It is anticipated that conservation and augmentation of these parasitoids would greatly help reduce Rugose Spiraling Whitefly attack in coconut crop in Bangladesh.